Vasquez then captures Rodriguez and escapes the refinery with him in a armored car. Wells takes the shot, but Vasquez survives and Rodriguez is compromised. HQ then tells him that he will only get once chance at this and tells him to take the shot. As he can only see Vasquez's torso and lower body, he cannot confirm that it is really him. Eventually, Wells has a visual on Vasquez. A friendly on the ground, Agent Rodriguez, has made his way through the General's entourage and inner circle. When he makes his way to O'Neill, he makes contact and prepares to kill General Vasquez.

During this time, Wells makes use of his grappling hook and kills a few more guards. Eventually, Wells makes his way to the oil refinery, where he must make his way up back to O'Neill. Wells makes his way through the ruins (with O'Neill guiding him) and kills a few hostiles. Once Wells is on the ground, O'Neill makes contact with him and maintains visual contact as well. At the beginning of the first mission, Wells and O'Neill split up and Wells makes his way to the ground to sneak through the old ruins that lead to the oil refinery. Killing Vasquez would seriously cripple the regime, thus ending its involvement on Isla Trueno.

Alpha Nine is sent to the oil refinery to eliminate General Vasquez, the leader of the regime. On Isla Trueno, a regime has taken over the local government. Wells and the spotter of the team, O'Neill, are sent to an old oil refinery on the fictional United States-backed island of Isla Trueno.

The game starts off as Tyler Wells, the sniper of the spotter-sniper team, Alpha Nine. Isla Tureno consists of tropical islands with Aztec ruins. The games takes place on the fictional country of Isla Trueno, whose democratic government is overthrown by a hostile force. The main plot centers around a highly trained special ops unit that is sent into the Tyler Wells, who uses his expertise in long range engagements and stealth to complete his mission missions and a Delta Force operator, who is involved in medium to close range firefights. In the game player takes the role of two characters for different missions, the player plays as Sgt. Players can use a range of weapons such as: Sniper and assault rifles, shotguns, pistols, throwing knives and explosives. Some choice is given to the player at times, whether to engage enemies or to sneak past them. Gameplay focuses primarily on sniping, though including light stealth mechanics.